Oct 23, 2023
The Necessary Entrepreneur welcomes Tomas Keenan from Step It Up Academy. He is an example of “Technician turned CEO”. He began his career as a custom car audio installer. He co-founded an industry-leading GPS Tracking and Dashboard Camera installation company, growing it to a 7-figure business and later moved into the coaching space for industry leaders and business owners.
Mark & Tomas talk about how he learned a strong work ethic from his uncles in his youth, how he finished up high school, gained experience in the mobile audio space, and how college isn’t the best path for everyone. They talk about building a community for the people within your space, being the coach you would hire, keep pushing forward, & trust the process even when you don’t initially see the results.
Find out more about Tomas Keenan & Step It Up Academy:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/
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